Journaling is a healthy practice to acknowledge, memorialize, and maybe even process what you’re going through and what es importante para ti.
It can be as simple as writing something in your Outlook (or other) Calendar on your phone. Or journaling can be done with a notebook or a nice leather bound one to capture your highlights and lowlights.
When I use a notebook I like to place forward-looking, action oriented, positive items on the front page. On the back page I place more reflective, negative items. Kind of a symbolic way to differentiate what is feeding me and what may be comiéndome el plato.
When I use my phone I like to use the * for the former and the ~ for the latter. What’s cool about using my phone is that I place challenges and goals on a future date with questions alike: How did it go? Were preconceived perspectives or assumptions true? What did I learn?
Journaling may be worth your pen, paper, or phone entry, if you don’t already journal. Journaling may heighten your self awareness, which can lead to transformation and growth.
Coaching for Hispanic Men