A relationship, a marriage, a partnership takes effort and work. (The picture shows my wife, Sarah, and I at the baby shower thrown for us by my cousins in querido Mexico.)
Como hombres, especially Hispanic/Latino men, we’re more likely to clam up, aguantarnos, and not say anything, in order to keep the peace, not blow things up, or be cause we’re just not used to stating what the F*<} we want or need.
But we have to.
We gotta speak up, be clear, and let the cards fall where they may with your voice being heard.
Then, work through it from there with your significant other.
You’ll find it relieving, unloading a weight(s) you’ve been keeping inside, and empowering. The worse that can happen is that what was meant to unravel unravels at that moment before the stakes are higher.
Let it out.
Speak up.
Place your existence and voice cards on the table and let them fall where they may.
And build from there.
You’ll be your own better man for it.
Coaching for Hispanic Men