Being sheltered-in-place can result in thinking too much, especially about things that we have no influence over. Let me share with you some of the fruits of my ruminations:
-After COVID-19, will we remember how alone and isolated we were and truly value human interaction
over material things?
-Will Zoom and Skype workforce feel a connection and deeper appreciation for the migrant farm
worker, the delivery woman and grocery store clerks?
-Will buying groceries online hammer the final nails in the coffin of mom and pop businesses?
-In the end, will we remember that we were all in this together and working together is our best hope?
-Will the quality of early and methodical data-driven action be the coveted criteria for future leaders?
-Will dictatorships fare better than democracies through COVID-19?
You see what I mean? And this is without binge news watching (see my Navigating through COVID-19 blog).
So, I decided to apply one of the recommendations from the earlier blog and connect with family in Mexico via Zoom to end the evening.
But first, here were some thoughts I came up with that I do have influence over and that are important to me:
-Be a better listener with my wife and son, which is one of my number one goals as a husband and
-Finish up some work items with tomorrow’s to-do’s in mind.
-Reach out to my folks and sister to know how they are doing and a few texts to my buddies, some of
whom I've been friends with since grammar school.
-A quick call with my website developer who I am so grateful for (and will tell her that).
-And, I thought of three things that i am grateful for: i) my loved ones near and far are doing okay; ii) I
ate healthy today; and, iii) the decision to consciously meditate a few minutes before going to bed.
It’s interesting how these thoughts were all declarative and actionable.....all things I have influence over....compared to my uninfluenceable ruminations.
If you have your own ruminations, heavy and unbounded, I invite you to come up with your own declarative sentences, to take action, about what is important to you.